Autism Specialist Weston FL

Functional Medicine Approach To Autism

Are you looking for answers to Autism? Tired of using many medications to help with Autism, and seeing no results?

It is time to seek Functional Medicine.

The Functional Medicine approach to Autism is very different than what our society is used to. We believe that Autism is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain, and by using a systems-biology-based approach, we can treat the disorder from many different angles based on the individual case.

Common abnormalities in the body's systems like immunity, gut function, and detoxification play a central role in causing the behavioral and mood symptoms of autism. At Healthpark Medical Center, we can help to ensure all of these systems are functioning properly, which will allow for remarkable improvement.

Comprehensive Diagnostic Testing

  • Comprehensive Gut & Parasitology: Analyzing the microbiome and gut health.
  • Gut Permeability: Measures the damage of the gut lining, which can lead to inflammation of the gut and the brain through the gut-brain axis.
  • Comprehensive Antibodies: Evaluation of inflammatory autoimmune responses against the brain, gut, and many different systems in the body.
  • DNA Methylation Pathway Profile: Looking for DNA mutations that govern methylation, and the individual weaknesses and imbalances of the genetic profile that will need to be specifically addressed.

Request Your Consultation Today!

To request your consultation, contact us online or call (954) 451-3869.